Friday, November 22, 2013

There's a Math library for OneNote and Word!

I use OneNote as my virtual notepad.  I love being able to have my notes in whatever type of office doc, pdf, etc. sync'd and available in my SkyDrive.

I recently had an issue with math notes that caused Mathematica1 font to display as a unknown character (small rectangle which is the default character when an app cannot find the font) as seen in here. 

I resolved the font issue by using Mathematica1Mono instead (bottom of graphic), however the beneficial positive outcome of this issue lies in my stumbling upon a Math library for OneNote and Word 2013 in my search for a resolution.
(There is also a 2010 version) with these wonderful features:
  • Compute standard mathematical functions, such as roots and logarithms.
  • Compute trigonometric functions, such as sine and cosine.
  • Find derivatives and integrals, limits, and sums and products of series.
  • Perform matrix operations, such as inverses, addition, and multiplication.
  • Perform operations on complex numbers.
  • Plot 2-D graphs in Cartesian and polar coordinates.
  • Plot 3-D graphs in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates.
  • Solve equations and inequalities.
  • Calculate statistical functions, such as mode and variance, on lists of numbers.
  • Factor polynomials or integers.
  • Simplify or expand algebraic expressions.

Friday, November 15, 2013

A new version of .NET or Data Quality Services was installed on this machine. In order to continue to work with DQS please run 'DqsInstaller.exe -upgrade'

I recently tried to use Data Quality Services 2012 and as a result of my having applied service packs / Cumulative updates / hotfixes, etc. to my dev box, I got this error on launch of DQS:
A new version of .NET or Data Quality Services was installed on this machine. In order to continue to work with DQS please run 'DqsInstaller.exe -upgrade'.

That would be fine, if it actually worked like that.  Unfortunately, even after running this and being told I need to restart, restarting, running it again and restarting again, when I launch DQS, I got the new and improved message:

A new version of .NET or Data Quality Services was installed on this machine. In order to continue to work with DQS please run 'DqsInstaller.exe -upgrade'.
OK...I thought I had better try getting some help on the dqsinstaller and see if that leads to anything...

dqsinstaller.exe /?

Microsoft (R) DQS Installer Command Line Tool
Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

[11/15/2013 11:37:52 AM] DQS Installer started. Installation log will be
written to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\DQS_install.log

[11/15/2013 11:37:52 AM] Parsing DqsInstaller command line arguments.
usage DqsInstaller.exe [-install | -uninstall | -upgrade |-upgradedlls | -exportkbs | -importkbs] [] [-collation] |[-instance] 'instance name'

-install   - Install Data Quality Services in the provided instance. (Default)
-uninstall - Uninstall Data Quality Services from the provided instance.
-upgrade  - Upgrade Data Quality Services for the provided instance, to current version.
-upgradedlls - Install Data Quality Services while skipping recreating the DQS databases and only upgrade DQS DLLs.
-exportkbs - Export all server knowledgebases.
-importkbs - Import knowledgebases file to server.
-collation - The collation of DB catalogs to install. The collation should be case insensitive.
 - The .dqsb filename used to import/export server backup data.
-instance - Specify the SQL Server instance name that this installer will run against.
-? - Show this usage message.

When catalog collation is not specified the default collation being used is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

List of Windows and SQL Server collations can be found at

Press any key to continue...

And this sounded like it might fit the bill:

dqsinstaller.exe -upgradedlls
Wallah, all fixed!  Hope this helps if you have a similar issue.
Heads up - you will need to be a member of the fixed server admin role on the SQL Server instance where the Data Quality Database is installed.

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