Friday, November 15, 2013

A new version of .NET or Data Quality Services was installed on this machine. In order to continue to work with DQS please run 'DqsInstaller.exe -upgrade'

I recently tried to use Data Quality Services 2012 and as a result of my having applied service packs / Cumulative updates / hotfixes, etc. to my dev box, I got this error on launch of DQS:
A new version of .NET or Data Quality Services was installed on this machine. In order to continue to work with DQS please run 'DqsInstaller.exe -upgrade'.

That would be fine, if it actually worked like that.  Unfortunately, even after running this and being told I need to restart, restarting, running it again and restarting again, when I launch DQS, I got the new and improved message:

A new version of .NET or Data Quality Services was installed on this machine. In order to continue to work with DQS please run 'DqsInstaller.exe -upgrade'.
OK...I thought I had better try getting some help on the dqsinstaller and see if that leads to anything...

dqsinstaller.exe /?

Microsoft (R) DQS Installer Command Line Tool
Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

[11/15/2013 11:37:52 AM] DQS Installer started. Installation log will be
written to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\DQS_install.log

[11/15/2013 11:37:52 AM] Parsing DqsInstaller command line arguments.
usage DqsInstaller.exe [-install | -uninstall | -upgrade |-upgradedlls | -exportkbs | -importkbs] [] [-collation] |[-instance] 'instance name'

-install   - Install Data Quality Services in the provided instance. (Default)
-uninstall - Uninstall Data Quality Services from the provided instance.
-upgrade  - Upgrade Data Quality Services for the provided instance, to current version.
-upgradedlls - Install Data Quality Services while skipping recreating the DQS databases and only upgrade DQS DLLs.
-exportkbs - Export all server knowledgebases.
-importkbs - Import knowledgebases file to server.
-collation - The collation of DB catalogs to install. The collation should be case insensitive.
 - The .dqsb filename used to import/export server backup data.
-instance - Specify the SQL Server instance name that this installer will run against.
-? - Show this usage message.

When catalog collation is not specified the default collation being used is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

List of Windows and SQL Server collations can be found at

Press any key to continue...

And this sounded like it might fit the bill:

dqsinstaller.exe -upgradedlls
Wallah, all fixed!  Hope this helps if you have a similar issue.
Heads up - you will need to be a member of the fixed server admin role on the SQL Server instance where the Data Quality Database is installed.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Oracle BI Repository Identity Manager shows no users

Q:  When in the Oracle Business Intelligence (OBIEE) Administration Tool (Online) and I open the Identity Manager (Manage->Identity), I select BI Repository and though the roles exist, I see no users.  How can I see them?

A: Select Action from the toolbar, then in the textbox for Specify Wildchar filter to fetch users, use an asterisk.

Friday, March 27, 2009

ORA-01034 and ORA-27101 on WIndows machines

Subtitle: Overthinking the problem

Every site on the net which references these two errors:


ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist

seems to suggest that they are symptoms of either the ORACLE_SID not being set correctly or the ORACLE_HOME not being set correctly. Beyond that, they recommend checking the alert log to see if, possibly, there is some more serious problem with the database.I recently encountered these errors on a database whose windows service had started successfully. On a server with the ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME set correctly; with an alert log which had no errors.

I have a simple solution to these two errors which does not involve any of these recommended approaches.

Check to ensure the database is started ;-$ FML

Monday, January 26, 2009

CI Setup part 2

BerliOS uses an old version of subversion (1.2) which may explain my inability to set it up with TortoiseSVN. In any case, I found a much faster, more up to date, and richer host for my Subversion server at Setup was a breeze, soup to nuts in about 15 minutes and there were no problems integrating with TortoiseSVN. In fact, they offer instructions on integrating with 9 other products (including Twitter).
Next: Building my CIFactory script...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Continuous Integration

I decided to implement a Continuous Integration project. I downloaded a copy of CI Factory and went looking for a free subversion server. has a good plan so I signed up and started to configure my environment. I also downloaded TortiseSVN with the hope of integrating Windows Explorer with Subversion.

Here is where the trouble began...

BerliOS uses ssh so I decided to use Putty for this. I went into TortiseSVN settings and pointed it at Putty.exe. This resulted in "Invalid Port Number" errors popping up one after the other in a stream of modal windows. Fortunately, I resolved that error by just removing the TortiseSVN ssh client setting and leaving it blank.

Now I get the username and password login, but it finds no repository. I'm going to track down that error as well - dammit!

Monday, October 20, 2008

RESTful development

Last week, I attended Jim O'Neils talk at the MSDN roadshow on RESTful programming. (Chris Bowen's Blog : Announcing the Fall 2008 Northeast Roadshow!: "A RESTed Development")

It was a great talk about the origins and meaning of REST and the usefulness of REST techniques.

Jim posted his presentation here ( and I just found a tool for helping to create RESTful web pages in your web application here (

This looks like a pretty cool tool. I will fool around with it a little and see if it is a good as it seems!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

SQL Server 2000 - No wizards available in Enterprise Manager -> Tools

If your wizards select screen looks like this in SQL Server 2000, you have probably selected the SQL Server Group rather than a SQL Server or a specific database. The normal screen will appear if you select a database or a server.

Transitioning to Front-End Development: My Journey into JavaScript

  For years, I’ve been deeply entrenched in the Microsoft stack, working extensively with SQL Server, Oracle Database, and even IBM DB2. Whi...